Zambia debt problem and solution

“Zambia: Taking on Debt, Finding Solutions” Introduction Zambia is a country in Southern Africa that has been facing a debt crisis for many years. The country has been struggling to pay off its debt, which has been increasing since the early 2000s. The Zambian government has been trying to find solutions to the debt problem, […]

What is healthy vs unhealthy competition among Business?

“Competition is healthy, but unhealthy competition can be detrimental to business success.” Introduction Healthy competition among businesses is an important part of a successful business environment. It encourages businesses to strive for excellence and to innovate in order to stay ahead of the competition. Unhealthy competition, on the other hand, can lead to unethical practices, […]

Accounting systems before and after double entry accounting

“Accounting systems before Accounting systems before and after double entry accounting Uncovering the Past: Exploring Pre-Double Entry Accounting Systems!” Introduction Before the introduction of double entry accounting, there were various accounting systems used to record and track financial transactions. These systems varied in complexity and sophistication, but all served the same purpose of providing an […]

Who is Xi Jinpeng?

“Unlock the Secrets of China’s Most Influential Leader: Xi Jinpeng” Introduction Xi Jinping is the current President of the People’s Republic of China and the General Secretary of the Communist Party of China. He has been in office since 2013 and is the paramount leader of the country. He is also the Chairman of the […]

Why religions ban charging interest or usury?

Natarajan S “Usury: A Sin Against Faith, Not Finances!” Introduction Religions have long held a strong stance against charging interest or usury, which is the practice of lending money and charging interest on the loan. This practice has been banned in many religions, including Christianity, Judaism, and Islam, due to its perceived immorality and potential […]